
By RadioGirl

Goodbye, Auntie

This morning my sister and I went to the funeral of our Auntie Joyce - Dad's older sister - who passed away on 7th November. We were representing our branch of the family, due to Dad's continued stay in hospital which meant he was unable to attend himself.

I learnt later on from Mum that, at the time when the funeral service was taking place, Dad was saying prayers for his sister along with one of his ward-mates who he's made friends with. He and Joyce had been close as children and throughout their lives, partly because they lost their mother Ethel when they were only toddlers.

Dad's appetite has continued to improve a little today, and looking through his nursing notes yesterday we found that he has regained about a kilo of the weight he'd lost during the first two weeks of his stay in hospital while on the suction, when they were trying to help his lung re-inflate. There is still no news about whether a surgeon from West Brompton Hospital is prepared to do a keyhole procedure to repair the tear and clear out the gunk in his lung lining to help him recover from the infection. If the procedure isn't done, Dad's permanent drain fitting and release from hospital could be delayed by several weeks while he makes a much slower recovery from the infection on strong intravenous antibiotics alone.

Apologies to fellow blipper bucksmiss for plagiarising her poignant blipfoto entry of a few days ago. I thought it was a simple and appropriate way to mark the last goodbye to a much-loved lady, although our losses were under very different circumstances.

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