The Three Trees

8.1C dull and grey with occasional light showers. Light breeze.

Disappointing weather. Grey all day.

Apothecary7 and I went on one of our antique browsing trips today.We seem to be making a habit of it late in the year. Maeve the Deerhound accompanied us in the car and had a short walk near each venue.

We had lunch in The Tufted Duck at Rait.

We came home with a large West German vase which is already installed just inside the front door, and a small Carlton Ware dish in the shape of a lemon which might eventually join the wall of ceramics in the kitchen.

I left my camera in the boot of the car all day so had to take Maeve for a walk up to the church once we were home and grab a quick shot of the three trees on the way to make sure I had a blip.

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