Time to rest

November Theme Challenge: Tuesday Time – related to the past, present or future in any way

Today was a glorious day. Plenty of blue sky and barely a breeze. I was also out from work by 10am - Perfect.

Today I had one goal - To take the dogs for a long walk at Warebeth. Unfortunately I arrived at high tide so had to do a bit of a different walk than planned but it was just lovely to feel the warm rays on my skin. I spotted someone in shorts and was jealous, I had gone out wrapped up a bit too much.

We pass by this dry stone bench on the Warebeth walk and on a day like this it is compulsory to just stop, sit, look and think. It provides a fantastic view of Hoy, the vast sea and it's waves, seals heads bobbing in the water and seabirds floating on the thermals whilst the sound of the surf and birds fills your ears.

As usual the dogs ran and sniffed and paddled but as soon as I sat here they felt they should share the moment with me. Not as comfy as their preferred sofa but I think they appreciated the moment as much as I did. Taliskularis the Huge was very tired...

A night at home tonight before another sleep-in tomorrow. Fully appreciating a night at home with Gorgeous. I am a very very lucky girl :)

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