Hayle Harbour Asda

It doesn’t get much more exciting here in November, than a new supermarket opening. LOL!

Asda opened yesterday and for those of you who read our blips regularly you’ll know that Ann often has 'RANTS' about the St Ives Tesco so she couldn’t wait for Asda to open.

However, it would seem that everyone else in Cornwall has nothing better to do than visit the newest supermarket in the county……………. And no way were we going to queue to get into a supermarket car park.

…………….So I had a little trek around Hayle so that I could be blipped with the new Asda in the background and then off we went to the beach so that I could have a play. Yay! And then we went to Tesco where there’s 25% off wine if you buy four bottles. It was mega quiet at 4pm but the staff still had the aisles full of their wire crates restocking the shelves. Grrr…………..

Incidentally, initial reports of the new Asda aren’t good. Apparently the car park isn’t big enough, the shelves are empty, the check out operators are grumpy, the café overlooks a main road (whereas if it had been located at the other end of the store it could have overlooked the harbour) and the staff haven’t a clue what they’re doing??!!!

…………….Sounds delightful??

As a gorgeous little collie dog I have absolutely no interest in supermarkets because I just have to sit in the car and wait. The only good thing about Hayle Asda, as far as I’m concerned, is that it’s near quite a few places that I like to go for my walks.

Ann says we’ll give it a couple of weeks for things to calm down and then it will be, ‘Goodbye Tesco’!!!

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