Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

The old alleys of St Peter Port #2

By popular request I present another in the series of the alleys of St Peter Port. This one is dear to my heart because when I was a young child we used to visit my great aunt Alice who had a first floor flat in the building on the right. Her entrance was on the flat landing where the handrail ends; though there is still a further flight of steps to the road. If I remember rightly the shop on the street level was a bakery at that time. When I was around 10 or 11 it became Guernsey's first Chinese restaurant and I have vivid memories of my dad taking my friend and I for our first Chinese meal on my birthday. I always thought it was my tenth birthday but I think it might actually be my 11th. Very brave of my dad, who was a really shy man, to take two young girls into such unknown territory. It was a great evening.

My mum wasn't there because she'd taken my 3 year old brother to visit her elderly relatives in Glasgow. That was also brave because she wouldn't fly so they went by mailboat and train. Quite why they decided to go in the middle of winter is one of life's mysteries.

To put this alley into context in the town; the buildings you can see across the road are actually the back of the markets and are just up the road from the Town Church.

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