
By Kathee


The back page of the newspaper,
Shows shelter dogs available for adoption.
With those sad faces peeking out from “prison” bars.
Oozing hopelessness.
Not the image that’s going to,
Send a family to the car,
Driving pedal-to-the-medal.
To beat the competition,and
Sign those adoption papers.

So when I heard a small Rescue,
With 65 dogs,
Needed photographs,
I couldn’t resist.

With friend Eric,
We photographed all 65 of ‘em.
Doubling our efforts on each dog,
To be sure we captured a worthy image.

This, my favorite click of the day.
The little guy just out from the kennel.
Into the sunshine.
Eyes closed,
Enjoying the moment

Here's to you,
My furry friend,
Lover of life
I hope my pictures help you find your forever home.

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