madwill's world

By madwill

Where's Benson?

We have passed this stable and mounting steps many, many times on our walks - but there is no sign of the horse that lived here. I wonder what happened to him?

On our way back today, we were walking on the path/ bridleway very close to the A1(M) (about 10 - 15 metres away). It is very noisy as you can imagine. I heard a shout from behind and turned round to see a cyclist about 5 metres away, hurtling towards us at high speed. I tried to pull the dogs in to get out of his way (as I normally would) but he was going so fast he almost ran over Katie. He swerved off the tarmac path hurling abuse at us "get out of the f****ng way".

"Where's your bell?" was the only retort I could come up with - which, in hindsight, probably only would him up more!

"F**k off" he yelled back, whilst giving me nice finger gesture as he zoomed off into the distance.

Nice considerate folk around these parts. Sadly my camera was in my bag so I couldn't snap him!

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