
By MamaOfBoys


There are so many things i am grateful for today, so so many.

Kanye is sick, pretty sick actually. He has a nasty tummy bug that seemed to have come from nowhere.

His teacher called me as i was picking up Marley from school and said that they had got back from being out and Kanye had vomited everywhere, so i went to get him from school. Tonight he has continued to vomit and have diarrhoea, we have changed him numerous times and changed his sheets the same amount. He is not in a good state.

Nothing is staying down and hes sleeping a lot which is good.

We had a family dinner tonight to have time together before the week gets busier.

Things i'm grateful for are listed below.

1. For family coming in and while Andre and i were busy with Kanye, they took care of Harper and Marley as well as cooking dinner, we couldn't have done it with out them. And we did get time with them in between taking care of Kanye which is always a great time- many laughs especially between Andre and his siblings.

2. For my carpet cleaner 'little green' , this has been a huge savior tonight cleaning up after Kanye.

3. For my mums help cleaning up today and once kanye got home, taking care of him so i could get Harper and Marley sorted.

4. Chocolate- heals all and after all the stuff Andre and i had to clean up with Kanye we needed it.

5. My washing machine - its taken a lot of stuff tonight and it still powers on through, clearly it knows i have little boys.

6. Cup of tea- its that ahhhhhhhh you get from it after a long evening,

7. Kanyes bed- the mattress is waterproof in itself, THIS is just what was perfect tonight.

8. Cake- In need of a sweet treat (alongside chocolate) my sister in law whipped up one, it was warm and delicious.

9. Disinfectant- in the liquid form and the wipes form to make sure that my other two as well as family don't get sick too.

There are more but these are the main points. I'm pretty tired and i can only imagine our night will be long.

I worry for him as he hasn't taken in anything, maybe tomorrow he will

So as i say i'm so grateful to everyone and everything in my life today and its the little things that help you get through- especially family. I love you all so much.

Before i forget- this little guy came wandering in our house today- isn't he sweet.

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