Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus

Late afternoon sun

My grandparents have come down to Oxford today and are staying overnight so I get to be tour guide for today and tomorrow. Despite feeling quite ill and having little sleep since I was up coughing a lot of the night, I managed to get myself out of bed by 9am and into the library. I got very excited by an email saying my lecture was cancelled, giving me some more time to read before my grandparents arrived at lunchtime. I really enjoyed being able to show them around and the weather has been perfect today, a proper winter day (and a great excuse to wrap up with my college scarf). I took them around college as well as showing them Brasenose, Radcliffe Square, the Bodleian, Sheldonian Theatre (we were able to climb to the cupola at the top for magnificent views of the city). We went for lunch in the covered market and then I showed them around other parts of the city including Christchurch and the meadows. It was stunning with the fog rolling in and the sun setting, creating a lovely pink hue. I've come back to college for a few hours to work before meeting them again for dinner which will be really nice.

Showing people around Oxford has made me realise how much I love this city and how much it is now home to me.

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