A Dog's Dinner

By G

The Leica Challenge

Mr Blogs and I have an on going conversation which usually goes like this.

Me 'Every photographer should have a Leica M series camera once in their lives'

Joe 'Why would you want that? You would only be disappointed. A decent full frame digital with a good lens is easier to use, produce just as good images and is a lot cheaper'
Me 'Ahh but it's big and heavy and it's not a Leica'

We're off to visit the memsahib this weekend so I was humming and hawing about whether to take the Canon or the Olympus.

'ok' says Joe.'Just take the Olympus with your 20mm lens, it's all you would have with a Leica and see how it goes. No big wide lens, just a simple standard'

Right, so it's on -The Leica Challenge starts tomorrow.

As you can see Miss Bella was practising her Lightroom skills this evening - well it made a change from all that cake making.

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