
By analogconvert13

Parking By Touch.

I was on at the Factory this weekend, and now, on Sunday night I feel like I'm owed a weekend. To make it feel just a little bit like it was a weekend, we went out to dinner at a place in Cambridge which we have visited before. The restaurant has rather beautiful cabinetry behind the bar done in green swirly stained glass which is lit from behind. The light bathes the patrons sitting at the bar in an eerie green. I had already Blipped this scene when we finished our meal all ready to come home and publish. Then we walked out the door onto the pavement and there was this parking scene just screaming to be Blipped. Since I believe that the shot caught in the moment takes precedence over one which is composed and can be replicated, the bar was out the window! BTW, I published Saturday's Blip so late in the evening that the camera thought it was Sunday already, so, although this photograph was really taken on Sunday, I had to back-Blip it to Saturday to make the site happy.

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