
By helen221

Getting steadier

Megmog is home, at least until tomorrow morning when the vet wants to see her again. She (Megmog that is not the vet) has still got a fever but is much improved. I won't got into the other gory details! She's showing an interest in things rather more, although not running around yet. A bit of chirruping (sp?) and purring so that is progress and she seems to have remembered who I am, in her own way.

I'm glad she has most of her fur other than the bits they had to shave. Wonder how long it will take to grow back.

The sisters were curled up together on a cushion within a couple of hours so the sibling hadn't forgotten or been forgotten. I think the other one might have eaten the bit of tuna I had hidden the tablets in. Tricky business all this.

A quick lie down on the pressure point massage ball to ease my shoulder, then it's back to writing about shame....

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