
By LadyFindhorn

Blue Doors

An uneventful day today with nothing of interest to report.
The continuing good weather meant that wandering about the centre of Edinburgh with my new toy was a joy.
I was experimenting with the 17-55mm lens just seeing what could and could not be photographed with it. It is a little strange not being able to zoom in at will as I can with my TZ5, but it means you have to be that bit more inventive.
Tomorrow I may try out my 55-200mm lens.

On the plus side, I'm getting much less intimidated about standing my ground without feeling conspicuous whilst my camera is glued to my eye. Hopefully I'll just appear to be another older tourist bent on recording odd sights.......... well maybe read that as just another odd tourist bent on recording older sights. Whatever.....

Thank you to my fellow blippers who have taken the trouble to give me hints and advice on using the new toy. I want you all to know that I'm now in total control of my Aperture!

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