Capital adventures

By marchmont

Winter flowers

Busy day today. I missed last weekend and have been away quite a lot this week.

I started in my room, sorting clothes. I refreshed my wardrobe yesterday and this morning hung every thing away and sorted out my hosiery drawer! I still need to lose weight and rediscover a waist but the stuff I bought yesterday will keep me going.

Then a late Skype call with KL. Olivia was in bed asleep but I did get a peek. The main conversation was around what they did need to bring and the invites for the christening. Not long now, 3 weeks tomorrow and they'll be here. And so much to do. Heard today that Wen4 is staying for Christmas. Going to be a full house.

It is a beautiful day, chillier than yesterday but wall to wall blue skies and sun. Housekeeping, then I planted the pendulous begonia cuttings and a few bulbs. I still have flowers in the garden and although a bit reduced the perlagoniums are still going on.

Now to sort out the baby stuff, order some groceries, make soup, look out the ingredients for a stand by christening cake, email KL with info, the list goes on and on. And work.....

Must go!

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