wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

And me without Excalibur ...........

First of all my cat Tony appreciates the attention. He does not get enough at home.

We sang at a winter market Saturday. It was a blast. This little guy was adorable. We never got the story but.....I am sure it was the easiest thing to get him to leave the house in. I have never seen such beautiful children as I saw today. I want to do a book of kids at the market.
A lot of people took pictures today. One sent us some. Why is it I am Always a clothing disaster? My sweater rode up and bunched up. I look like I weigh a lot more that I do, and my hair. I did it perfectly before I left the house. I may grow it longer so I can just pull it into a ponytail and leave it. Singing the " The Parting Glass" sold a few CDs .
This market is incredible. There are people selling beer, wine, soap, mittens, (a very nice lady from Scotland who knits the coolest stuff in the world, ), cheese, meat, Popsicles (really) and tables just to name a few things. There are actual farmers there too!
After we grabbed a quick lunch ( I had the curried chicken......not so much) Who puts Swiss cheese on curried chicken. I am not of the school that thinks" just melt cheese on it. It makes anything palatable."........it doesn't.
And of course la pièce de resistance ...(I can't get all the accent thingys to work)
a pedicure.
My feet love them. They were minted and soaked and tickled put in wax. We were served champagne in a big white wine glass!! Now I have bright red toenails that will not see the light of day until March.
And, I bought a new hat. A grey bowler. I love it. I may never take it off.
Now I lie (lay? I can't keep them straight) in bed and....my legs are itching like crazy.

So I sign off....good night down under and good morning sunshine.... To the north.

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