The Art of Time Management

Every morning I wake up, review what I need to do for the day and try to set some priorities. Some things, like classes or appointments happen at a given time, some, like Blip and walking Ozzie happen every day, and some like housework and painting are worked in when everything else is done, which seems to be not nearly often enough.

With Thanksgiving coming up, I'm abandoning just about everything in favor of spending time with family. We will all be flowing back and forth between two houses and it will be more delightfully chaotic if I just let it all happen. Sort of like herding cats….

Today's time killer was the making of a caramelized apple pie. If I make it through all twelve steps, and it is more spectacularly delicious then I think I possibly could be, I might make another one for Thanksgiving.

I didn't get to my sketching, but I am rereading a very interesting book by Betty Edwards called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. I think she does a wonderful job of clearing up the controversy of what happens on which side of the brain, and it's fascinating. I think her use of the term "drawing on" is a clue.

Her drawing lessons are a little like the instructions for the apple pie. They may turn out the desired result, but in the back of my mind is the feeling that I could probably achieve the same result in half the number of steps.

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