Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

A Slow Day

A slow day. Slowing it down.....down......down........

Two nights ago, my son awoke in the middle of the night having a hard time breathing. We have been down this road before with him. Several times. This is such the case of "like mommy like son". We both deal with asthma that is usually triggered by a simple cold. It is something that I have dealt with my entire life, but now that it is happening to my baby...it's a bit heart breaking. Listening to him trying to catch his breath. Using every amount of energy in his little body just to take a deep breath. Like I said, heart breaking.

As a child, I can remember way way back to when I first began to experience this same kind of feeling. Not being able to take a deep breath. It is a horrible thing. Very claustrophobic. The surge of panic just lingering on and on and on. I was hospitalized several times and one of the times being when my Mom was in the hospital delivering my sister. My parents fought long and hard to help conquer this on going battle of mine. I went from specialist to specialist having everything from lung function tests to allergy tests. And now it is looking like we are taking the same road with our son.

We have fought hard for him. Our 'at-home' plan is fairly aggressive. His specialist says that we are definitely looking at the beginning stages of asthma. How severe it may get? Unknown at this time. All we know is that we now have the tools to help him. The medication to open up his airways when fear starts to enter into our minds. He has a home nebulizer and it has always been nicknamed, "The Fire Truck Mask".

So today is day two of him having to miss preschool due to his breathing. The medication is finally kicking in and our little active boy is back, not as busy as normal but getting there. His voice is finally sounding less strained. He can now lay down without coughing and gasping. This is kind of sounding dramatic, but it is dramatic. And it comes on fast. And it is scary for us. But it is something that we will fight long and hard for. To find the best treatment for our precious little boy. Of all things for him to inherit from me....why did it have to be my asthma. But on the bright side, it is only asthma and asthma can be controlled and regulated. So for this, we are grateful that is it only asthma. Other families deal with much worse.

My son and daughter wanted to paint this afternoon. They made a mess of course, but that's just a given. They had fun. They were creative and they were very helpful with one another when it came to sharing supplies. I quietly sat next to them at the end of the table capturing this moment. And capturing the moment along with their quick movements and maintaining proper lighting is quite difficult now that I am using my manual settings. So the quality is not totally up to par but the subject matter is top notch. My cute kids enjoying a project together. Happy. Enjoying one another's company on this slow.....slow.....day.

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