Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


Well, the day finally arrived for Gs birthday! I intended to wake early and take her in a cup of tea, but a friend of hers in India beat me to it - to wake her up i.e. so by the time my alarm went off, a cup of tea had already been consumed!

Had to take my car in to Volvo for 9am, so whilst in the area, G said she wanted to have breakfast out. We did that and then had a wander round IKEA looking mostly at their Christmas things. A quick shop at Hyper Panda - also looking at their Christmas things - and we were home in time for lunch.

The highlight of the day would have to be dinner though... which - for the first time ever, after operating in Dubai for 10 years - was on the Bateaux Dubai. What an incredible experience. We were joined by Miriam and her mum who arrived in their Lincoln Town Car limo to pick us up! The 5* nature of the evening just continued. I hope the images in the collage convey a sense of it.

Freshly prepared food while you cruise the clam waters of the Creek; I've never had a meal on the Creek where I haven't had to get up to get my food! And I couldn't believe it when I walked past the musician who was sat at a grand piano!! We even got visited by the Chef who wanted to make sure the evening had gone well. This is such a pricey experience, I was amazed at how full it was. So glad we have finally been on this boat.

And prior to that, G was absolutely chuffed when she tried her little black dress (which she'd bought 20 odd years ago when she first arrived in Dubai) and it still fits without any trouble at all! I wish I could say that for my wardrobe! Start of a new work week tomorrow so better post this and get to bed. I think G has had a very good day, and so have we in the process! :)

PS. We always do a dinner cruise for Gs birthday...

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