Kit's Year

By Kit267

An Evening of A Curry Out & Monopoly By Torchlight

For two days had problems with our electricity supply as everytime we put the kettle on all the lights dimmed and when we put the electric shower on the toaster wouldn't work..our neighours had the same issue so we called the power company. There was a serious fault and we had to have our electricity switched off at the house for safety reasons. We cannot fault the power company for their response and tenacity, but it took them 10 hours in the cold & rain, 4 holes later (including this one at the end of our drive) but they have fixed the fault. Although they did have to knock on our door at 2am needing entry to the house to fit new fuses and reinstate our supply.

Hence, it was an evening of a curry out and Monopoly by torchlight.

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