Paul's Imagination.

By paulransom


[soppy college text]

I really do enjoy college a lot. I look forward to college pretty much every morning, and leave everyday in a really good mood regardless of how successful the day was. I'm surrounded by some great friends, and can't believe the year has only our Final Major Project left before we leave. I know University is supposed to be the best 3 years of your life, but the people I meet there have got tough competition - can't imagine a nicer group of people to spend everyday, 9 to 5, with.

Yeah, college is great.

[/soppy college text]

So in keeping with my love of college, starting tomorrow I intend to do a new theme for my blips - could range between 5 and 43 photos depending on how it goes. Wish me luck.

Something good: Great life-drawing class
Something new: More books in the post :D

*50,000 views, cheers everyone :)*

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