
"Kids these days!" *shakes fist*

Tonight I met with a young (but old enough to know better) girl who is soon going to attend the same photography school that I went to. I liked that she took the initiative to seek me out and set up a meeting and I am always happy to meet new photographers and share any help I can. We talked and things went well, she was running late and couldn't wait so I picked up her beer for her (no worries), but today I would epect a small thank you email and nothing. Are kids really not taught about saying thank you these days? It takes 20 seconds and goes a long way toward forging friendships, professional connections, etc.


p.s. She did send me a thank you email this afternoon so all is well again! I let this be a reminder to myself that if I didn't like waiting a matter of hours for a thank you I shouldn't keep anyone else waiting for one!

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