
By RobinBanneville

A Welcome Sight

Cobo Bay this afternoon ... and the sun is actually shining ... :o)
We had just a glimmer of red at sunrise before it started raining (and raining) ... but at least it cleared up nicely after lunchtime ... and we also had a lovely sunset (although I busy was chopping up wood for the fire at the time and wanted to get finished before it got dark - so I missed it again) ... :o)
But never mind ... the five day weather forecast is promising ...
(It's promising rain, clouds, fog, wind and lowering temperatures.)
But do I care..?? ...
Well yes, I do actually ... Next week is my last week off until next year and although I wasn't intending to do any sun-bathing or swimming down the beach, I was hoping to do some Christmas shopping without getting wet ... :o(
Hopefully this won't be the last we see of the sun for a while ... but it probably will be ... :o|

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