All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

A day of firsts

Today was the first day that Ethan ...

- Wore trousers (rather than sleepsuits or dungarees) - and doesn't he look "grown up"!

- Went to a baby sensory class. Not exactly a resounding success as he cried through most of it but I think that's because he was hungry rather than because he hated it. Anyway, I've signed up for 10 more weeks so hopefully he'll grow to love it! And it's only a 15 minute walk from the house so is a good excuse to get the pram out rather than the car.

- Managed to latch on really well and had a great feed. It was at the breastfeeding support group this afternoon and they were really pleased at how well he did. They also commented on how much more he can open his mouth and stick out his tongue since the tongue-tie op last week! I have also been given the phone number of one of the support workers who was there and she has offered to come round to my house to help if I find I'm struggling in the evenings.

So all in all a very positive day.

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