Live, love, laugh

By Rianka

Canada - Quebec

Awoke from a lovely sun that was shining inside our RV.
We grabbed all our stuff for a wonderful day out and about in Quebec.

But before we did that, we had to go by the campsite office to register and pay.
The owner was very, very friendly and tried to explain everything that she knew about Levi (where we stayed) and Quebec in her best French/English.
It was very sweet. But maybe I just liked her because she told me my eyes were very pretty and that my boy should be very lucky.
We almost missed our bus to Quebec because of all the information that she gave us. She even introduced us to Jaap, another Dutch guest at the campsite.

We were in time for our bus and took the ferry to Quebec city.
A lovely city. The first really vibrant one. With actual tourists. And music. And a hilarious walking tour that took us through the same streets twice or more. The walk here and back tour, we called it.

Quebec is a French city, with a lot of English influences. This gave it a strange formiliar feeling. Similair, but not quite the same as Europian cities.

We visited the citadel. Had a lovely guide, how was funny and tolded us lots of interesting facts about the defence of Quebec.
We made fun of their mascot, which is a goat with golden entlers..
We did some shopping. Both bought a scarf, since it is getting colder.
We enjoyed the sunlight, music and atmosphere of the nicest city that we have visited.

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