Entertaining/unpopular roadblock.
Entertaining to the watchers. Unpopular with those shops beyond.
Due to the strange system of Penrith roads & one way streets, certain things are difficult. Like crossing town, rather than passing through. Or travelling North without a 1/4 mile West, uphill & 1/4 mile downhill to achieve a couple of hundred yards North.
We used to eat, occasionally, at "A bit in the side" almost walkable from our house. By car it was down a hill West>East , along the flat South>North, back uphill E>W to a similar height, across the top S>N, same distance (**) downhill W>E, across the bottom S>N, back uphill E>W, a little more N>S: ending up 20yds or so from this point (**).
To assist traffic flow, after closing the town centre, they permitted Southbound traffic as far as this fellow before "circling" the centre.
Trouble was, some of those beyond this point had taken pains with window displays which Joe Public wasn't getting to see. As in "Oh! There can't be anything beyond here." In terms of entertainment - true, but only due to officialdom's placing.
Me laddo here was quite entertaining with Songs and "Cumberland Tales", but could well have been elsewhere.
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