
By Lexialex5


Top to bottom:
Sean Kinney (Alice in Chains)
Mike Cosgrove (Alien Ant Farm)
Shannon Boone (Fuel)
Roy Mayorga (Stone Sour)
Ben Smith (Heart)
Jimmy Chalfant (Kix)

Every time I go to a show, I always try snagging a drumstick, which can be hard work! Concerts themselves (for a person like myself) is a sport. Full contact, practical cardio, and competition; especially when 12 people are grabbing for one thing at once. Drum sticks in general are either thrown into the crowd, handed to you from a security guard, or simply not handed out at all.
To a "normal" person, getting a drum stick would be nothing less than bragging rights. But to losers like myself, it's a trophy that shows dedication and the fact that I came out on top with barely any visible bruises.
The most memorable drumstick story I have happened just last year when I had the opportunity to see my two favorite women in rock, Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart. The show was absolutely breath taking, the ladies sounded wonderful. After the show, their drummer Ben held his drum sticks over the crowd. Immediately, I had a death grip on those sticks that couldn't be released. At the same time, this middle aged man behind me grabbed them too with practically the same force and needless to say, neither of us were about to let go... He tried twisting in a weird position but I still refused to let go, even when my hand was basically caressing his thigh. Long story short, we both walked away with one drumstick lol.
It's not every day that I practically fight off old men for drum sticks, but when you're at a show, were all grabbing for the same thing. Whether it be a set list, drum stick, a nasty sweat towel, whatever the case, us fans are always glad to see a fellow fan walk away with these "trophies"... I however, would rather have them first and then watch people have my scraps (for lack of a better term). Call me crazy, but until you've acquired such a win, you don't understand

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