Times Of My Life

By CarolB


Managed to sleep most of last night without coughing, so went into work today. I would have loved to have squeezed one last sick day out of this cold, but it wouldn't have been fair.

So, into work, and a piece of work came in that I could possibly have done at home on my laptop. Lovely boss said if I was going to do it at home I should finish at lunchtime since I still sounded awful. Hurrah!

Then someone else told me that the work had to be completed for tomorrow. Boo.

I worked through lunch and stayed until I finished it at 4pm. By that time I felt absolutely rotten again; what kind of a cold is this?

Walking to the car the daylight was almost gone, and the sky was solid dark grey. Standing out in sharp black contrast were these naked trees, and they reminded me of a picture of a brain-scan in the sky.

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