Very happy memories.....

OK! I have spent a couple of wonderful hours browsing old photos for today's blip. So many memories and cause for smiles and even laughter! LOTS of B&W pictures too.

So this is my first go at a bridesmaid! To my cousin, and I can remember it as if it were yesterday! I am on the left here and am all of ten years old!!! I had my first 'proper' hair appointment with a real stylist...and couldn't do a thing with it the next day! It was all different lengths and had gone all straight again. Some of you will understand..... But mainly I remember crying at the end of the day. It was over all too quickly and I had loved every minute and felt so grown up.

The rest of the day has been good. We took a walk around the churchyard of St John's and sketched the gravestones and made a note of words of love and pride on the stones and the children were great. Continuing our topic on Remembrance. Think I am ready for the weekend though....

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