Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


Got to leave work at 4pm today on account of traffic congestion caused by the Big 5 exhibition. I wanted to head straight down to the Spice Souk to catch it in the sunlight but G really wanted to come too, so I came home and had a nap waited. Made it there by 7pm and it's always great to get views of Dubai Creek from the top of the car park (centre).

The reason for coming here was to buy frankincense and myrhh for SweetArt. (Ooh - just realised I didn't take a picture of them). Roberto travels back to HK tomorrow, so today is the last chance to organise this. I was amazed at how much the price has gone up since I last bought any but managed to talk the guy down by a third! I think he was just trying it on despite us being long-standing customers.

We stopped to have fresh fruit juice from our man who's been there since my tour guiding days in the 90s! Took a picture of G sporting the bag containing the precious resins with the souk in the back. This is possibly the oldest souk in Deira and ONE DAY, I will make time to explore/blip it. As it is, I can't believe I've never posted a picture from the Spice Souk before today.

Prior to getting here, we had to drive all the way out to Gs school at the opposite end of town as she missed a delivery of flowers that I'd arranged! I thought the receptionist had just been remiss in not sending them up to her, but discovered that the florist had delivered to the wrong school! Argh!

I did try to do something fun for G by taking her to Wafi for a few rounds of air-hockey but she was too tired and only lasted one game - which she won. I think she wanted to stop whilst she was on top. It's been a good start to Gs birthday weekend...

PS So sad to hear of Jimmy Ruffin's passing today.

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