Inches to millimetres!!

I needed to order a supply of cane to do my chair seats this morning and had a problem working out what size I needed for plugging the holes. I had a sample piece which is the correct size , so B produced a micrometer in a natty (tatty) little wooden box and did the measuring. We had then to convert the fractions of an inch to millimetres.

I thought that the tool /instrument was B’s, but it turns out to have been my father’s!! I’ve no idea how old it is, but we have had it since he died more than 40 years ago.

A really busy day getting ready for our visitor tomorrow. I’ve had to round up all my “stuff” that has escaped from my work room, so that she can get into bed!!

Also, got the cane ordered from the supplier in Scotland, it will be delivered on Tuesday!!

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