Camel Country

By Bevie

Derelict Thursday

My INNER and OUTER energies are in a constant flow like the infinity loop, which is symbolised by the figure 8 on its side. This represents the unbounded flow of the Universe of which I am part of. When my energies are out of balance I can start to feel depleted, frustrated, unfulfilled and even unwell.

This can happen all too easily when my focus is on other, external events and constant doing. If I start to lose a sense of myself or feel stuck it may be a call to gently loop my energies back inwards. To connect to STILLNESS, quiet, waiting and receptivity.

Sensing into my INNER infinity loop calls me to be responsive to the DELICATE balance of where my energy needs to be restored and nourished.

With each breath I imagine the infinity loop moving through my entire body, relaxing me and generating LOVE. Blessed be.

~ Anna Dittman

Thank you SarumStroller for hosting!

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