
By PJG844

Granny* Takes A Trip

It's another calm and sunny day here so, of course, I'm busy packing to get away from it. We're pootling off to Belgium for a couple of days as, with the exception of Brussels and all that entails, we love Belgium. Obviously we're going to Ypres but not because of any anniversary thing. The only links to that is that every time we go I am stunned with the fact they recreated as much as possible the buildings that were obliterated in WWI. Plus the fact that only in the last 3 years did we find out that my grandmothers first husband was not a steward on a ship that was torpedoed but, in fact, was killed at Ypres and his name is on the Menin Gate. What an odd family I come from. Oh, and 3M likes the chocolates from a specific shop there.

I hate packing, all the time thinking “what have I forgotten?” when all I should be thinking of taking is my wallet and a book. I mean, you can buy clothes and things anytime, can't you? Hence the wallet. But shops aren't open at 06:00 in the morning so you have to take a book with you. I know I can buy a book on the ferry but they may not have one I want or haven't read. I have to be careful when buying books these days because due to the lack of organisation I have on a couple of occasions duplicated book purchases. Much as I love books I don't need more than one copy. Unless it's my all-time favourite book. So … My book of choice for this trip can be seen above. I'm not a particular fan of historical fiction (almost as much as I totally distrust Hollywood films that state “based on a true story”. Of course it is …. in name only mayhap) but I do enjoy the Shardlake series, although he annoyed me with Heartstone with his constant teasing all the way through even though I had sussed it in the early stages (don't be smug, PJG).

Right, car to be loaded ready for an early start. Yes, we have checked the tyres. Yes, we have checked the oil. And have sufficient fuel. And put blankets in the boot with bottles of water and a snow shovel …. just-in-case. Now stop nagging.

Todays random music now playing: Tomodachi Wa Imasu Ka by Sharan Q

*Just in case anyone is confused, Granny does NOT refer to 3M

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