Birthday Cake
My sis completely surprised me for my birthday. She had a calorie-free cake delivered. It's really beautiful.
This has been a very relaxing, leisurely, comfortable day. I graded essays all weekend specifically so that I would be able to have a birthday without grading.
Our 23 year old grandson, Emerson, who has been living with us since June 1st, arrived home from work with a lovely gift for me. He brought me a greeting card, a gift, and a gift card to my favorite restaurant.
Mr. Fun and Emerson took me out for Italian dinner and that was delightful. I was only able to eat half my lasagne, so I brought home the other half for tomorrows's dinner.
It was a BIG birthday in regards to my age (I can't be this old), but it was a subdued day and that was exactly what I desired.
Happy Birthday to me!
Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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