
By nicky


I attended a training session/workshop today to help understand the intricate workings of the Primo 'discovery system' that the library uses to deliver the catalogue to the users. Discovery systems are the new buzz word in libraries, in case you haven't heard of it. Well, not so new really, but newer than the older OPAC (online public access catalogue) that used to be the standard when libraries first started offering online access to their catalogues. Whatever you call it, I do like a nice bit of techy, under-the-bonnet tweaking and I wish I could do more of it in my job.

Anyway, it was a jolly good session, and made me quite sad to be leaving this job and all the new tools and processes that are being introduced at this institution. The job I'm going back to is much more "sedate" (or unadventurous might be a better description, or just plain cash-strapped!) but I shall try and take back some of the energy and drive that I've been exposed to here to see if I can make a difference there.

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