...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Down the Road...

I will get old,
but for now I will hold on to life.

Down the Road...
I will retire and sleep in and stay up late,
but for now I will be glad to get to work early so I can get off early.

Down the Road...
I will be a grandma,
but for now I will let my kids live their life.

Down the Road...
I will do what I please,
but for now I will please those around me and enjoy it.

Down the Road...
I will drive a brand new Camaro or a '70 Mach I,
but for now I will drive the life out of my Dodge Stratus.

Down the Road...
I will sell that photograph,
but for now I will blip my heart out.

Down the Road...
I will travel with my hubby,
but for now I will enjoy our jaunts around town.

Down the Road...
I will fill in the blank,
but for now.......................I will be happy!!!!

Down this Road!!!!

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