My Best Efforts - Year 3


The Faux Fire......

........which is the focal point in my sitting room.

All the original fireplaces in my cottage were removed in the 1970s when the place was extended and brought up to date.

The reason for posting this image is that the bulbs that light it up keep popping!! - so yesterday I decided to buy a different make of bulb. To fit them, I had to move the fire so that I could get to the back to fit them - the fire is of made of cast iron and solid brass and is very heavy. In the process, I pulled something in my back and consequently am almost immobile today! I should have known better and waited for Anni to do it when next she visits but it looked so dreary without the "glow", I just couldn't wait. That'll teach me!!

Hope you've had a better day than me!!!!

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