Daily Cakeophilia

By Cakeophilia


Here's a Japanese "cake" treat. Mochi is a pulverised rice cake which is smooth and gelatinous. It's wrapped around all sorts of fillings from traditional sweet red bean paste to ice cream balls, to whole strawberries in a drift of mock cream. These ones are tiramisu (on the left) and green tea Mochi from my local very Japanese sushi store, Salon de Sushi.
Of all the ones I've had in Japan, the "strawberry snowball" is the best, a fresh strawberry perched on sponge cake and swathed in mock cream, wrapped in pink Mochi. But beware! Not all strawberry Mochi are snowballs, and you might find yourself biting into a red bean swathed strawberry, a very different and much more disagreeable animal!

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