
By RoseFamily

"He's Bayo the Balian"

First day of holidays and we've been busy with my full time Mummy job. Balian had his one year check with the Health visitor. He's doing well, got back in his growth curve after the summer blip and he had fun showing off all his new skills despite not having had a nap. In the afternoon he had his consultant appointment. They used micro suction to clean out his gunky ear and have started new antibiotics (oral and a ear drops), think he's had nearly every class of antibiotics now! Consultant wants us to saline irrigate his nose and aspirate at least twice daily, even without a you can imagine Bay is not very impressed with that! We also have to put cotton wool in his ear at bathtime. This made Nathaniel very concerned, and he kept asking for it to be taken out. Bay made quite the impression on the reception staff who gave him a teddy bear to keep. Think he was a welcome change to their normal clinic list of 70+ year olds for hearing aids and 6 year olds for grommets!
Nathaniel had a good day, being adorable too. When he got home he rushed to Balian saying "my brother, my brother!" He also told me quite categorically that his "brother is Bayo the Balian!" We had been playing castles and talking about Knights so maybe this is Balian's full title. Nathaniel also had me in giggles when he picked up book saying he'd read me the castle story and said "once upon a time there was a Dragon called Mike the Knight"....he looked so chuffed with himself!

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