
I have no idea what kind of moth this is but I have just let Millie out for her late night wee, and realised I had not taken a photo and this moth was on the wall at the front door.
Most of my day has been spent trying to sort my computer problems. I have done a full scan , phoned BT, etc. Actually BT were helpful and assure me that the fact that my e mail is sending messages to my contacts that I would not wish to send is not harmful in this case. I am hoping he has managed to fix it, However now I find I seem to be unable to send e mails but I am getting them.
Foloh is prophesying doom and says we shall all live to regret the computer age.
This is not a great photo so please do not feel you have to be nice, perhaps I should just have missed today.
This is a time when I wish I had a teenager who was a whizzkid at computing. I am sure lots of others have felt like putting their laptop and I Pad in the bin at times.
Millie has gone to bed and I am heading to my bed with my book. Tomorrow I might have more success!
Good Night All.

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