The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Will you come into my parlour

...said the spider to the fly...

This morning's white-out fog gave way to bright sunshine around lunchtime. By the time I left work and headed for the nearest supermarket, the roof of the newly created pavilion in the Secret Garden in the park that I mentioned on Sunday was glinting gold in the sunlight, for all the world like a temple dome (albeit flat and rectangular).

The community payback work gang was scraping up fallen leaves from the pavements and sweeping them into heaps of copper and carmine. I bumped into two of my former students, who are now working as volunteers on the canal restoration project. "It's like a workout at the gym" one said, while the other mentioned "giving something back".

I continued to pootle past the park, wondering if I should organise a bookstall in aid of the Ebola disaster relief funds. Last time I ran a charity bookstall, I was overwhelmed with piles and piles of rubbish from people's attics! One needs to choose one's words carefully when appealing for stock for such events.

When at last I reached my home, it was to still-bright light, and I set about experimenting with gluten free baking. (I recently bought another book on the subject). I managed to produce a batch of savoury scones with parmesan and sage. This is excellent news, as I've really missed out on cheese scones over the years ( I have an intolerance to cheddar cheese, as well as gluten). After two and a half of them I didn't even need any dinner!

Feeling better today, not 100% but think I have turned the corner. The weight seems to be lifting from my chest (though my bra size remains the same).

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