The Birthday Gift

Well, what can I say! The Birthday Gift is here!

It’s taken four years to write and get here and at last I can share it with you.

You can share an opening night with me on Thursday the 11th of December at The Brown Cow on Ratcliffe Gate in Mansfield. It’s a pub with a folk and writing tradition and it will be great to be there from 6pm to 9pm though I suspect the night will roll on.

If you can’t get for reasons such as living abroad, or you can’t wait, then here’s the link to take you straight to the wonderful Troubador, my publisher, to get the book for yourself and one each for your whole circle of family and friends! Don’t delay – do it now!!!! (XXX)

Here is the link!

Thankyou for all your support of my writing. Without you, I have no audience.

My sitegets so many hits now (thank goodness for my mother getting her laptop….) – do keep sharing the word.

Finally a huge thank you to fellow blipper simple moments. Linda's photo adorns the front cover. It's getting plenty of attention. This followed Bob Hamilton's photo (earth dreamer) on On Ashover Hill.



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