[Obvious musical link]
Day two of the blipblubberbuster battle (now I'm sounding like a Dr Seuss book). Here are some of the temptations littering my path to slinky hips.
This weekend is a big foodie one for me - book group at mine on Friday, Coffee Morning to bake for on Saturday, neighbours over for dinner on Sunday. So I will be baking pretty much all week. Today, gingerbread (4 loaves) and a new fudge recipe. Rather happy with the fudge - it has more of a shop bought texture than my Granny's recipe, but a delicious taste.
Mr B made lamb tagine tonight, served with a rather tasty French red. Sigh. See what I'm up against?
Doctors again this morning (I don't think he bothers getting our notes out any more, he sees us so often) to investigate some funny lumps behind Katherine's ear, the ear the tick was lurking behind. Penicillin prescribed - which luckily comes as a delicious lemon (apparently) flavoured suspension. It's apparently probably nothing, or maybe something, but either way the penicillin is useful and advisable. I don't like over-prescription of antibiotics - mainly selfishly since I'm one of the folk likely to be caught out by super-bugs - and our doctor seems to agree with that line of thought, so I'm always slightly taken aback when he does prescribe them. Given MrB's mysterious allergy* to penicillin, we'll be keeping a close eye on her just in case.
*In that it appeared on his medical notes that he was allergic, but no-one knows why.
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