
By PJG844

And This Is What We Call Progress

Crisp and sunny today with very little breeze so, of course, I spent most of it in the byre. 3M kindly gave me permission to carry on trying to tidy up in there, which I needed to do as I was expecting delivery of some shelving and I need somewhere to store it ….. for the moment.

Had a large bit of packing board lying around so I attached that to the wall (waste not) so that I can hang tools off it. Fed up with rummaging in boxes and bags just to find 1 item. While clearing up the space I found the item on the sawhorses that's in the picture. I have absolutely no idea what it is. It's lying on its side in the picture and has four hooks on the back. Another of the old things I'm intending to clean up but I wish I knew what it was.

Did the afternoon pleasure of feeding Piegi and Aoife which turned out to be not such a pleasure after all. They were waiting at the gate for me, really wanting their afternoon barley, sugar-beet and cownuts. Didn't give me a chance to put the food down, I was squashed between two ½ ton belties. I sure they were thinking “how do you like being meat in a sandwich?”. Well, definitely not as tender and tasty as you two ladies. All I was thinking was “slow cook”. Managed to put the food down. Now I always give Piegi a little more as she's my favourite cow but she just put her nose in it, ate a little bit then sent the feeder flying, all her feed flying onto the field. With that, she ambled off, pushed Aoife out of the way and proceeded to eat that one. Which contained less. She is a moody cow. So I just walked away and left them to it. Still, 3M has come up with a cunning plan to avoid this tomorrow. Use a different gate. She's way ahead of me sometimes.

Todays random music currently playing: Opheylissem by Klaus Schulze. Nothing like a bit of repetitive German electronica to calm me down ....

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