
The day started off with a low sun, knowing I had some strimming to do later a wander round the garden was better idea than a walk. The birds were busy and I found myself out in the road because, who knows, there might be a hind on the other side. No, but perhaps there will be one further along. No. And so on.

I ended up over at the loch and it was perfect. The sun was bright and just in front of me was a small herd of deer, they soon disappeared into the dry bracken and sadly not to be seen again. However they were soon forgotten when a loud cufuffle broke out nearby. I assumed more deer, which was daft, but walked slowly around the gorse to see two white tails circling the loch, at the same time herons and gulls yelling and flying in all directions and curlews just shouting.

A few minutes later it all settled down and the eagles could be seen on a rock, too far to capture on the camera although close enough to stand and watch for their next move. It didn't take long and they started to fly back up the loch in front of me. At one time there was a white tail, followed by a heron with the second eagle behind and one blurred shot showing the eagle, I thought, dropping a fish but John thought all the excitement had got the better of his bowels. The two eagles landed in a tree and sat there side by side. Wonderful. Best not to ask what happened to the shot of the year.

Back home to the strimming and making rolls for lunch club.

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