The Adventures of a Starbucks Cup

I love my home made latte in the morning on the way to work. Starbucks sell these great reusable plastic mugs for £1 (and you get 25p off you coffee if you take it in!) but they are Limited Edition and hard to get hold of once they sell out. This is the Christmas version. I also bought one for Daughter Number 1 as she had caught the 'take a hot drink to Work/Uni' Bug and smashed the China one I gave her. Theres a storey coming!

I stopped on my way home from work in the car wash. Mr W normally cleans my car but hes been so busy working he hasnt had the time. I don't do car washing. My hair gets in the way, it hurts my back, it breaks my nails, it makes me stressed! But I do put the bins out! Anyway, I thought I'd add my lovely cup to the blip I took while in the car wash, along with a few emails and paying for an eBay purchase. I paid the full wack for a 'Premium Wash' as it really was so disgusting! Just yesterday I had to clean the number plate with a babywipe to make me legal!

So when I got home, I found a lid to this same cup in the road. It had just been run over by the bin men so was a bit mangled underneath! I couldn't work out why there should just be the lid! So I text DN1 to ask if she had dropped her lid (worried she was sloshing hot tea all over her car!) and she text back to say she had left her whole cup on the roof of her car and didn't realise until 10 minutes into her journey!!!! I just called her a knob!

So this had to be my blip for today didn't it. I know its a bit of a boring picture but it just had to be, seeing as I took this picture before I got home and found out what she had done!

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