
By AnneILM60

Way down south in Dixie

I was very surprised today to find several blooms on the Confederate Rose bush. It was not going to be hindered by the Yankee weather we have been having!

My neighbour Bertha, who has been living in Florida for a while now, was up visiting family this weekend and she came over to see me today. We had a nice visit and got caught up on some things. There is a good chance she and Andy will be back next door come April! Got my fingers crossed as I have missed them.

After looking at the necklace sets carefully, I noticed that I had strung the 18" necklace wrong and so needed to do it again. Oh well, my bad and no big deal. But as happens when I need to restring something, I can't just leave it be but have to change it. I decided to use some blue pearls this time.

Did a bit of cleaning and have got my packing done and ready for the early morning flight. Night everyone!

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