
It’s 10.30 in the morning. We were at the vet at 8 this morning. The night was very hard again for Dylan. The lung infection is a little better but new complications with the associated megaesophagus mean that he is unable to keep much food or water down, and has very little appetite. There is also a risk of the food going into his lungs.
Saskia, our wonderful vet confirmed what we had pretty much decided – that there was not much hope in trying to prolong his life.

I think that there is a turning point when a dog’s illness is being treated for the benefit of the owner and no longer for the benefit of the dog. And I think that we have reached that point. There are so many problems that he has now : the skin tumors the problem with his back legs, the infection, the megaesophagus, the weak immune system…Very occasionally the old spark is there, but very rarely

Looking back through my various blip entries since we first went to the cancer clinic on 30th june, there have been a number of highs and lows, days of hope and joy, periods of anguish and frustration. Did we make the right decision to try to fight this horrible disease and try to prolong our boy’s life ? I think so. He has been so brave and trusting throughout. But we now must acknowledge have that we have lost the fight.

It was always Liz’s dream to have her own dog and when we moved into our house in may 2003, it was finally possible. Dylan arrived a few weeks later and took charge pretty much immediately. Despite the fact that Liz grew up with dogs, I don’t think either of us realised the commitment and responsibility having a dog requires. But we have never regretted it. So many memories , so much joy he has bought to our lives. And I like to think that he has enjoyed his life with us.

10.39 pm. We spent the day with our boy and Saskia arrived at 7pm as agreed. Dylan is now at peace, We could not hope for a more understanding and sympathetic person to help us through this.

Sorry for all this rambling. It has been quite an emotional day.

Blip has been a great support for me over the past few months, as a means of recording the events and our feelings and reactions. But, also through the wonderful supporting comments of my blip friends. Thank you all

Have a good trip. our bestest buddy.

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