Found and Lost

By Paused

A walk in the Forest

Busy day today. Felt the need to get out into the woods so managed to re-arrange things so that I could take a trip to the forest of Blean at lunchtime.

Couldn't stay long because of work commitments but started to scout some locations for follow-up visits. its about 30 mins from my house with about 20 mins walk to get to some interesting places so possible for a sunrise visit or two.

I was a little rushed today and only took a few photographs some that are interesting, I might return to them. This exposure presented some challenges in processing and made me try new techniques in the digital darkroom. I know what I wanted but I have a long road ahead learning that stuff... at least its quicker to find out what doesn't work. I find what doesn't work a lot :-)

More of the lovely Blean in future blips... I do like trees!

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