Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Pool Side

We're not your typical 'plug and play' tourists who arrive and set off immediately for the nearest sight! It takes us a while to settle in and we did more of that today - also see yesterday's back blip. So we're now in Day 3 in Luxor and haven't been near a temple or tomb! We did move hotel room though as the Nile view one was a bit chilly, not getting any sun at this time of year. We now have a south facing one with a lovely big balcony, overlooking the gardens and the temperature is much more comfortable for blipping from the room! I also worked on my input timetable for next month and got that sent off to my two co-tutors for any suggestions and to let the tutor who's sharing the input sessions with me start to prepare her sessions in advance of the course starting.

We did head out last night (out of curiosity!) to 'Little Britain', an area with lots of English Restaurants, each one usually owned by an English lady who has married locally. We got lost in the dark, back streets and Bb had to call them up three times for more directions...but only after we had looked round 'one more corner'! And there are quite a few corners in Luxor...and lots of people pestering you to take a horse and buggy ride or just give them a few coins to help feed the horse.

The place was packed with retirees from the north of England tucking into fish and chips, Sunday roast and lemon meringue pie! Some of them had been coming twice a year for ten years for the winter sun. It was bizarre to say the least and our curiosity has been well and truly satisfied!

We spent some time out and about buying a cable for our camera downloads and then the hunt was on, on the way to dinner, for a swimming costume, as I had left mine behind in Cairo! Not the easiest thing to find in Muslim Egypt! We did pass one dusty old 'sports' shop, so might have to go back there today.

Here's a view of the pool which I've still to dip into!

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