Cardiff Quaker Meeting House
Stephanie and I were co-facilitating a workshop today for Cardiff Quaker Meeting, on working as a companion on the Becoming Friends course with newcomers to Quakers. For my part, it was a very joyful experience; all the participants were very enthusiastic, lively and engaged with the activities we'd prepared for them, and I hope it left them with some ideas to take forward. The Friends who provided accommodation for myself and Stephanie couldn't have been more welcoming and hospitable, and I left wanting to return another time just to enjoy being with their Meeting.
Wales were playing Fiji at rugby that afternoon, so we had to adjust our timings slightly so that people could get away before the crowds started to leave the Stadium, as several of the main roads were closed off. But that didn't make any significant difference to our time together - and making my way back to the railway station among the buzz and excitement of the home-going fans was enjoyable in its own way!
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